iBase 7 System Manager's Guide

For System Managers

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages.

Managing Users and Permissions

Adding a New User

On the Administration page, select Users.

Click the button Add User.

Complete the fields displayed. Any fields with an asterisk are mandatory for completion.

Select one or more user roles for this user. (If the role is System Manager, then no other roles need to be checked)

Click the Update User button.

Changing a User's Account Details

On the Administration page, select Users.

Click the account to be changed.

Amend the details as required.

Click the Update User button.

Disabling / Enabling User Accounts

An account can be disabled so that it can't be used, while retaining all of the account information. It can then be re-enabled as required.

On the Administration page, select Users.

Note that the button to disable or enable a user status is shown on the right hand side of the user list.

Click the Disable / Enable button for the user required.

On the following page, click Confirm to complete the operation, or Cancel to abort it.

Managing User Roles

See also More about Security and Permissions.

On the Administration page select Users.

Click the account to be changed.

Select one or more user roles for this user (If the role is System Manager, then no other roles need be checked).

Click the Update User button.

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages.

Quick Search Configuration

The following quick search features can be configured. The settings apply to all users.

On the Administration page, click on Preferences and Settings.

After any change to the settings, click the Update Preferences button otherwise the changes will not be applied.

Default Boolean Operator

There are two options, AND and OR. The default as delivered is AND.

  • AND: If two words are entered in quick search, for example London bridge, only items with both London and bridge in their metadata will be found.
  • OR: If two words are entered in quick search, for example London bridge, items with either London or bridge in their metadata will be found.

Fuzzy Search Settings

Fuzzy Minimum Similarity

This sets the degree to which an incorrectly-spelled word will find what is required. Using the example of geological misspelled as geolgical, these might be the result of searches with a range of settings:

  • Fuzzy minimum similarity set to 50% - searching on geolgical finds all items with geological in the metadata.
  • Fuzzy minimum similarity set to 75% - searching on geolgical finds some items with geological in the metadata.
  • Fuzzy minimum similarity set to 95% - searching on geolgical finds no items with geological in the metadata.
  • Fuzzy minimum similarity set to Not fuzzy - searching on geolgical finds no items with geological in the metadata.

Fuzzy searching is inhibited by placing quotes around the search term.

You might like to try experimenting to find the best setting for you and your users, or otherwise a good starting point might the default as delivered value of 50%.

Fuzzy Prefix Length

The Fuzzy Prefix Length is the number of leading characters that must match the search term exactly before fuzziness is invoked. For example a setting of 5 would be needed to invoke fuzziness on the miss-spelling geolgical.

You might like to try experimenting to find the best setting for you and your users, or otherwise a good starting point might the default as delivered value of 5.

Maximum Suggestions Setting

If a search returns no results at all, suggested variations on the search term can be offered. The maximum number of suggestions that will be offered can be set between 0 and 5.

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages.

Managing Pick Lists

Adding a New Pick List Value

On the Administration page, in the Picklists block, locate and click the required pick list to display the list of values already in the pick list. Click on the Add Value button and a page opens in which a new value can be added. Enter the new value and click on Update Pick List Value to add it.

Editing a Pick List Value

Clicking a pick list value in the list opens a page with the value which can then be edited. Make the required change to it and click the Update Pick List Value ‐ all items containing the old value will be updated with the new value.

Deleting a Pick List Value

In the list of pick list values each has a Delete option, which when clicked deletes the value from the pick list.

Values already assigned to items cannot be deleted. To delete values assigned to items, carry out a search for the value and then use Edit or Batch Edit to remove them from the items. After removing the value from all items it can then be deleted from the pick list.

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages

Creating and Managing the Subject Hierarchy

On the Administration page, in the Schema block, click on Subjects.

The page shows any existing top-level subjects and a button to add a New Subject. At the bottom of the list of subjects there is a folder icon <new subject>.

Clicking a subject will show to its right any lower-level subjects that it has. Each lower-level subject can be clicked in the same way to display any lower-level subjects.

Adding Subjects

Creating a New Top Level Subject

Click the New Subject button or double-click the <new subject> folder icon at the foot of the list of top-level subjects. Enter the subject name and click Save.

Creating a New Second or Lower Level subject.

The New Subject button always operates on the lowest level visible on the page. It's easier though to click <new subject> at the foot of the level you want to add a subject to.

Enter the subject name and click Save.

Renaming Subjects

Either click on a subject then click the Rename button, or double click the subject name.

Make your changes then click Save.

Moving Subjects

Click on a subject, then click the Move button. Click on the subject to move it to ‐ clicking through levels as required ‐ then click the Move Here button. This will also move any lower-levels under the moved subject.

Deleting Subjects

Click on the subject to delete, then click the Delete button. This will also delete any lower-levels under the deleted subject.

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages.

Adding and Managing File Types

iBase is delivered with support for many of the most common file types. Support for additional file types can be added from the Administration page, by clicking on File Types in the Import / Export block.

To see the currently-supported file types, select Audio, Document, Image or Video from the list.

To add a file type, click the Add File Type button. Add the details requested - see below - and click the Update File Type button.

To edit a file type, click the relevant file type in the list. Add the details requested - see below - and click the Update File Type button.

To delete a file type, click the relevant Delete button in the list. When prompted, click Confirm Delete to delete the file type, or Cancel to abort the operation.

  • Type Name: This is mandatory and must be the usual extension associated with this file type e.g. DOC or DOCX for a Word Document, PNG for Portable Network Graphics format and so on. iBase will recognise files from this extension and from the alternatives listed as aliases.
  • Description: The full name normally given to files with this extension e.g. Microsoft Word Document.
  • Aliases: A list of other extensions used for this file type, separated by commas with no spaces.
  • MIME Type: It is not necessary to provide MIME information in the basic iBase system.

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages.

Embedded Metadata Mapping

By using embedded metadata mapping, selected metadata embedded in an image can be copied automatically during upload into specified iBase metadata fields.

As delivered, iBase has a standard metadata map, as listed below:

  • The 'IPTC:Headline' tag is copied to / from the iBase field 'Title'.
  • The 'IPTC::Caption-Abstract' tag is copied to / from the iBase field 'Description'.
  • The 'IPTC::Source' tag is copied to / from the iBase field 'Source'.
  • The 'IPTC::By-line' tag is copied to / from the iBase field 'Creator'.
  • The 'IPTC::CopyrightNotice' tag is copied to / from the iBase field 'Creator'.
  • The 'IPTC:Keywords' tag is copied to / from the iBase field 'Keyword Tags'.
  • The 'File:File Type' tag is copied to / from the iBase field 'Source File Extension'.

Managing and Editing a Metadata Map

On the Administration page, click on Metadata Maps in the Import /Export block. On the resulting page, click the metadata map you want to edit (Standard in this example), then click a mapping to edit e.g. Digital Asset Data:Keyword Tags <‐> IPTC:Keywords.

Explanation of mapping settings:

  • Component ‐ the component type being mapped.
  • Field ‐ the field that embedded metadata will be copied to / from.
  • Tag Group ‐ the embedded metadata group from which a tag name will be selected.
  • Tag Name ‐ the embedded tag from / to which data will be copied.
  • Tag Separators ‐ the character which separates individual terms in fields which contain more than one entry.
  • Precedence ‐ if two source tags are mapped to one iBase field, setting 1 here checks this tag first for valid data. If it doesn't have valid data the other field will then be checked.

Edit the settings as required then click Update Mapping.

To add a new mapping to the map, click Add Mapping and edit the details as above.

Adding a New metadata Map

On the Administration, click Metadata Maps in the Import / Export block.

Click Add Metadata Map and enter a name for the map. Click Update Metadata Map, then edit the map as above.

Deleting a Metadata Map

On the Administration, click Metadata Maps in the Import / Export block.

On the list of metadata maps, click Delete on the map you wish to delete.

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages.


Items can be enabled for purchase or not as required.

On the item page, clicking the Purchase button takes you through a conventional sequence of screens to confirm media type, quantities, billing and delivery addresses and payment details.

The currency used and presented will be as specified for the initial configuration of the system.

The following commerce settings are available:

  • Media Formats
  • Media Sizes
  • Item Uses
  • Pricing Structures
  • Regions
  • Countries
  • Delivery Methods
  • Tax Codes

Royalty-Free or Rights-Managed

iBase accommodates both royalty-free and rights-managed commercial models, or a combination of both.


Royalty-free means that you supply an item for a fixed price and the purchaser can then use it in any way that they choose.


Rights-managed means that you supply an item for specific uses only - these will determine price charged. For example, an image is supplied for use only on an inside page of a magazine for one edition with a circulation not exceeding 10,000 in one country only.

How Charges Are Calculated

Each of the following can have a price associated with it:

  • Media size
  • Pricing structure
  • Delivery method
  • Tax code where applicable

The charge presented to the user will be the total of all the prices above. Prices can be set to any value, including zero.

Cost of Fulfilment

Media sizes and delivery methods allow the for the fulfilment costs of these elements to be entered, if required ‐ these costs are not presented to the end user.

Personal Financial Data Security

iBase does not store any credit or debit card details, and although it might not be obvious on the screen used to enter card details, it is always on the payment provider's site, e.g. PayPal or a bank, not iBase.

Changing Commerce Settings

All of the settings below are on the Administration page in the Commerce block. Click the one that you want to edit.

Media Formats

The Media Formats screen displays all of the media formats.

Media formats that you supply might for example be print and digital, these two are standard settings in iBase as delivered.

To edit a format click it ‐ you can then edit the description, whether or not it's an electronic format*, and select all of the file types to which the format applies.

* Defining a format as electronic or not will affect the delivery methods offered.

Create a new format by clicking Add Media Format and edit the details as above.

Click Update Media Format to save the new or changed settings.

Delete a format with the Delete button.

Media Sizes

The Media Sizes screen displays all of the media formats ‐ select a format to list the media sizes associated with it.

Add a new media size with the Add Media Size button or click one in the list to edit it.

For each media size, the following can be entered:

  • Description ‐ as displayed to users.
  • Cost ‐ optional cost of fulfilment. Only seen by System Managers.
  • Price ‐ price of this size. It can be zero.
  • Download policy ‐ for electronic items only, set the size that will be delivered.

Delete a size with the Delete button.

Item Uses

This screen is used to specify the ways in which an item might be used by the purchaser. As delivered, the available uses are Commercial, Educational and Personal. You can add more with the Add Item Use button or just have one, General for example.

Delete an item use with the Delete button.

Pricing Structures

Item Uses must be created in iBase before Pricing Structures can be linked to them. As delivered there is a pricing structure for each of the item uses ‐ Personal, Educational and Commercial.

Pricing structures are principally for use with rights-managed sales. If your sales are all royalty free set each of the listed pricing structures to a zero price.

For rights-managed sales additional pricing structures can be created as required ‐ for example you might want one for say 'UK printed media'. Add prices for each structure, and optionally the media format that they apply to.

Tax Codes

Any relevant tax code can be created. As delivered, iBase is set up with NONE (No tax) and VAT, which is applicable in countries of the European Union.

Click Add Tax Code to create a new one and enter a tax code, description and tax rate percentage.

Delete a tax code with the Delete button.


In iBase, all countries sit within a geographic region, each of which is associated with a particular tax rate and available delivery methods. The standard regions as delivered are United Kingdom, European Union and Rest of the World.

The required tax codes must be created in iBase before they can be linked to a region.

Add a new region with the Add Region button and provide a short code and description. If required, set a tax rate and when finished, click the Update Region button.

Edit a region's details by clicking on it.

Delete a region using the Delete button.


iBase is delivered with a list of all recognised countries in the world at this time. This list is used in the address details of iBase user accounts. If a new country is added, it will be necessary to review all users whose addresses lie in the area that now forms the new country.

Add a new county with the Add Country button and provide a short code and the name of the country. Finish with Update Country.

Edit a country's details by clicking on it.

Delete a country using the Delete button.

Delivery Methods

Delivery methods are the ways in which a purchased asset can be supplied, for example Download, Email attachment, Courier etc.

Note: The required regions must be created before delivery methods can be flagged as being available there.

Add a new delivery method the Add Delivery Method button and enter a description, cost (for internal use if required), price to the purchaser, whether it's an electronic format such as a file rather than a print, and whether it can delivered with a download. Check the region(s) for which the delivery method can be used.

Edit a delivery method by clicking on it.

Delete a delivery method using the Delete button.

Note: You need to be logged in as a System Manager for everything in this section. The Administration section of the site can be accessed by clicking the Cog button on the right side of the top banner, and selecting Admin Pages.


Creating a Watermark File

Use a graphics package such as Photoshop to create your watermark image file. The file can be either a JPEG or a PNG, but if any transparency is required it must be a PNG.

Make the image as large as you might need, the actual display size and position can be adjusted to whatever is required.

Setting Up a Watermark in iBase

On the Administration page, click on Watermarks in the Import / Export block.

Click the Add Watermark button or click an existing watermark to edit it, then set:

  • Name
  • Position
  • Offset - from the chosen position
  • Size as a percentage of the original file
  • Density from 10% through to opaque

Click Choose file to select the watermark file that you created, and then click Update Watermark.

Set Watermarking On or Off

Watermarking of items can - and usually will be - set permanently on or off as required, but the ability to switch it on or off as and when needed means that:

  • Items can be individually watermarked, or not, as required.
  • Watermarks can be removed from all or selected items.
  • Watermarks can be changed for all or selected items.

Assigning a Watermark to an Import Policy

Watermarking is set on or off in the import policy as follows:

  • On the Administration page, click on Import Policies in the Import / Export section.
  • Select the Standard import policy.
  • For images go to the Additional Details tab, for videos go to the Video Details tab.
  • To set a watermark 'On' select a Watermark Name.
  • For no watermark set Watermark Name to blank.

Applying Watermarks

To New Items

Set watermarking on (see above) and new items will be watermarked when they are uploaded.

To Existing Items

Set watermarking on (see above).

Find and select in the normal way the items to be watermarked.

On the Selections Bar, choose More Options / Create Surrogates in the Batch Operation section of the navigation bar and leave Policy blank.

The newly created surrogates will now be watermarked.

To Some Items only

Set watermarking on (see above).

Follow applying watermarks to new or existing items as above.

Set watermarking off if it is no longer required (see above).

Remove Watermarks

Set watermarking off (see above).

Follow applying watermarks to existing items as above.

The watermarks will now be removed on the recreated surrogates.


Reports are on the Admin Pages under the heading Import / Export.

Click on the required report then select an Output Format and, where required, a Date range.

Add a User Name where required.

Click Run Report.

Edit home page content

Go to the home page by clicking the logo on the banner.

Under the cog near top right on the screen, select "Edit Page Content".

An editing window pops out, and editable content has a highlight box border around it. Note that the image carousel isn't editable by a system manager. For changes to the carousel please check with iBase support.

Clicking inside any of the editable boxes will display a tool bar at the top of the popped out window, with a range of standard text and paragraph formatting options plus -

  • Inserting and removing links.
  • Use of special characters.
  • Inserting images.
  • Adding tables.
  • Text highlighter.
  • Text can be modified and formatted using the tool bar as required, links can be created and removed, and tables can be added and removed.

    The name of the home page can be edited just below the tool bar on the left.

    When saving changes a revision description can be added if required, enabling easy reversion to any previous revision.