iBase 7 System Manager's Guide
More about Security and Permissions
iBase has a flexible and highly configurable security model, which can be tailored to your specific requirements. The following information is based on the roles and permissions which are set up on the standard iBase 'Off The Shelf' or OTS system, however considerably more sophisticated security models can be accommodated if required.
Please contact the iBase support desk for assistance with any aspects of security, roles and permissions.
Item Visibility and User Access Permissions
Item Visibility
An item's visibility is determined by which folder or collections it is a member of, and what permissions the various users and roles have on that folder or those collections.
User access permissions
A user's permissions are determined by whether they are registered and logged in, and also by any additional roles assigned to them by a system manager.
View and download Permissions associated with Folders and Collections access types.
System managers
System Managers are able to view all items, carry out all operations, and make configuration changes.