
For Upload and Edit Users

Uploading files

Note: There is a brief video overview guide to uploading here.

The upload page

First login, then if you can’t see an Upload Files option contact your system manager for the necessary permissions to be added to your account.

Click Upload Files to open the upload page.

Uploading defaults to Upload Digital Files. If you are creating new collections see Collections.

Single and multiple (batch) uploading.

The following upload procedures are the same whether uploading single or multiple items, whether all the same type of asset – for example images – or a mixture of image, video, audio and other file types.

Drag and drop

At the bottom of the page there is an area under Local Files into which files can be dragged from a desktop and local or network locations. As files are dragged in they’ll appear in the panel in a list displaying Ready to upload. Files can be removed from the list by clicking their associated Remove link.

Select files from any location

To browse local and network locations click the Select files button, selecting files as required from each location. As files are dragged in they’ll appear in the panel in a list displaying ‘Ready to upload’. Filed can be removed from the list by clicking their associated Remove link.

Entering common metadata

Depending on the setup of the system there might be metadata fields on the upload page into which metadata for the item, or metadata common to all of the items in the upload batch, can be entered.

After upload editing and batch editing can be used to amend the metadata.

Assigning subjects

If the system uses hierarchical subjects they can be assigned, if required, before upload. Note that the assignments will apply to all items in the batch.

Assigning to collections

If the system uses collections, items can be assigned to them - if required - before upload. Note that the assignments will apply to all items in the batch.


As soon as there is at least one item for upload on the page, an ‘Upload’ button will appear.

To upload the items click the Upload button and you will see an upload progress bar for each item. Once everything has been uploaded the import processes start.

The time taken to upload and import depends upon several factors, including

  • The speed of your internet or LAN access to the system.
  • The number of files in the batch.
  • The size of the files in the batch.
  • Video and audio files will take longer than an image of the same size.

Review and edit uploaded assets

When the upload and import processes have completed a link is offered to view the uploaded items and edit them if required.

Hot folder

If the system has a hot folder you can use any file transfer protocol (FTP) software to copy files to it, from where Trinity will automatically upload them.

Embedded metadata

If configured by a system manager, metadata embedded in assets will be copied to metadata fields in the system automatically during upload.