For System Managers
Note: You need to be logged in as a system manager for everything in this section.
Quick search configuration
The following quick search features can be configured. The settings apply to all users.
Go to Administration / System Preferences – Quick Search tab.
After any change to the settings click the Update System Preferences button otherwise the changes will not be applied.
Default Boolean operator
There are two options, AND and OR. The default as delivered is AND.
- AND: If two words are entered in quick search, for example London bridge, only items with both London and bridge in their metadata will be found.
- OR: If two words are entered in quick search, for example London bridge, items with either London or bridge in their metadata will be found.
Fuzzy search settings
Fuzzy minimum similarity
This sets the degree to which say a mistyped word will find what is required. Using the example of geological misspelled as geolgical these might be the result of searches with a range of settings.
- Fuzzy minimum similarity set to 50% - searching on geolgical finds all items with geological in the metadata.
- Fuzzy minimum similarity set to 75% - searching on geolgical finds some items with geological in the metadata.
- Fuzzy minimum similarity set to 95% - searching on geolgical finds no items with geological in the metadata.
- Fuzzy minimum similarity set to Not fuzzy – searching on geolgical finds no items with geological in the metadata.
Fuzzy searching is inhibited by placing quotes around the search term.
You might like to try experimenting to find the best setting for you and your users, or otherwise a good starting point might the default as delivered value of 50%.
Fuzzy prefix length
The Fuzzy Prefix Length is the number of leading characters that must match the search term exactly before fuzziness is invoked. For example a setting of 5 would be needed to invoke fuzziness on the miss spelling geolgical.
You might like to try experimenting to find the best setting for you and your users, or otherwise a good starting point might the default as delivered value of 5.