For System Managers
Note: You need to be logged in as a system manager for everything in this section.
Managing users and permissions
Adding a new user
On the Administration page select Users.
Click the button Add User
Complete the fields displayed. Any fields with an asterisk are mandatory for completion.
Select one or more user roles for this user. (If the role is System Manager, then no other roles need to be checked)
Click the Update User button.
Changing a user’s account details
On the Administration page select Users.
Click the account to be changed.
Amend the details as required.
Click the Update User button.
Disabling / enabling user accounts
An account can be disabled so that it can’t be used, while retaining all of the account information, then re-enabled as required.
On the Administration page select Users.
Note that the enabled / disabled status is shown on the right hand side of the page for each user.
Click the account to be disabled / enabled.
Change the Status field to Disabled or Enabled as required.
Click the Update User button.
Managing user roles
To assign a role to a user
- On the Administration page select Users.
- Click the account to be changed.
- Select one or more user roles for this user. (If the role is System Manager, then no other roles need be checked)
- Click the ‘Update User’ button.